Articles by impiou5

Lincoln and Depression
What We Can Learn About Dealing with Depression from President Lincoln […]

5 Mood Disorder and Bipolar Diagnostic Tools
Diagnostic Tools […]

Bipolar Depression Symptoms
Most of these symptoms are fairly easy for a patient or others to notice. Examples of each are given to help you or family, friends and others to recognize when loss of energy and decreased activity may signal the onset or presence of a bipolar depressive episode. […]

Is Online Therapy Effective?
Does internet, or email therapy really work, and is it as good as traditional therapy? […]

Facilitator Support Meeting Protocols
DBSA recommends that we begin each group by reviewing these facilitator support meeting protocols and guidelines to help participants learn and commit to the group standards. Share the air. Everyone who wishes to share has […]

DBSA Training Videos
DBSA Facilitator Training […]

Understanding Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder encompasses a wide spectrum of symptoms and is classified according to the types of mood episodes exhibited, including: manic, hypomanic, major depressive and mixed episodes.

5 Bipolar Disorder Types
5 Bipolar Disorder Types described: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Rapid Cycling, Mixed State, and Cyclothymia. […]

Mental Illness Stigma Project
Video from the Mental Illness Stigma Project. How many ways can you describe someone who is mentally ill? […]