Q: How much do you charge?
A: There is no charge. The groups are free.
Q: May I bring a friend, relative?
A: Yes.
Q; I don’t have a diagnosis. May I come?
A: Yes.
Q: My friend has this condition and I would like to learn more about it. May I come?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the average age group?
A: Members range anywhere from 19 to 70, but typically 25-35.
Q: What is the typical size of a meeting?
A: It varies. Some DBSA groups have very large meetings, others smaller ones that usually don’t exceed twelve. DBSA Northridge, for instance, is said to have groups of up to sixty people or so, and is split up into smaller groups.
Q: Are the groups run by medical professionals?
A: No, but we do have medical advisers as a rule. The groups are peer-run and organized, and the unspoken prerequisite is to have the condition in question so as to speak with experience. It is also important that members of the group take turns facilitating the meetings.
Q: I am a nursing student and would like to learn more about DBSA groups. May I come?
A: Since the chapters are independent all have their own rules. DBSA San Gabriel Valley does allow nursing students provided confidentiality protocols are followed.
Courtesy eMedTV Depression Channel