Handbook for Recovery After a Suicide Attempt
Handbook for Recovery After a Suicide Attempt […]
Handbook for Recovery After a Suicide Attempt […]
Electroshock can also be fatal. Estimates of ECT-related death rates vary widely. Professional journals are disinclined to publish reports or studies of ECT-related deaths. Not since 1957 has any journal published a large-scale study of ECT-related deaths (see in the text Impastato’s first entry in 1957). […]
The first-hand recollections of Williams appearing all over the internet today recall not only his humor but also his cocaine and alcohol addictions, as well as his pain and depression. In many ways, Williams is the modern-day, real-life Richard Cory, a tragic reminder that appearances can be deceiving and that even humor—especially humor—can be used as a mask that shields both the wearer and those around him, from the pain underneath. […]
The C-SSRS is a questionnaire used for suicide assessment developed by Kelly Posner, PhD, David Brent, MD, Chris Lucas, MD, Madelyn Gould, PhD, MPH, Barbara Stanley, PhD, Greg brown, PhD, Prudence Fisher, PhD, Jaime Zelazny, NR, MPH, Ainsley Burke, PhD, Maria Oquendo, MD, and J. John Mann, MD. […]
The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) is a psychological questionnaire used by clinicians to rate the severity of a patient’s anxiety. Anxiety can refer to things such as “a mental state…a drive…a response to a particular situation…a personality trait…and a psychiatric disorder.” […]
The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) is the most widely used scale for patient selection and follow-up in research studies of treatments of depression. Despite extensive study of the reliability and validity of the total scale score, the psychometric characteristics of the individual items have not been well studied. In the only reliability study to report agreement on individual items using a test-retest interview method, most of the items had only fair or poor agreement. Because this is due in part to variability in the way the information is obtained to make the various rating distinctions, the Structured Interview Guide for the HDRS (SIGH-D) was developed to standardize the manner of administration of the scale. A test-retest reliability study conducted on a series of psychiatric inpatients demonstrated that the use of the SIGH-D results in a substantially improved level of agreement for most of the HDRS items. […]
You don’t have to feel this way. There is help. You can cope with suicidal feelings and thoughts. They are not your fault and they do not have to continue. Don’t give in. Don’t lose hope. There is help. Call (800) 442-HOPE. […]